People over 65 don't stop living or imagining wondrous things that would set their hearts aflutter.

They too have dreams of both simple and grandiose things that they would like to still do in this very lifetime!

Keeping Dreams Safe - to make them come true

Every new TeleCare Solutions client is asked to tell us what their most cherished dream is. We keep these dreams on record in the hope that one day, we may be able to help that persons dream come true!

An experience, a gift -a wish granted!

Very often our clients either don't have the funds or the means of achieving their dreams - and this is where we are asking for your help. Whether you are able to offer a service - such as a helicopter flip, boat ride, meal at a restaurant - or whether you are able to sponsor education, technology (such as a computer) - or even specialised skills such as the revamp of an old car, converting records to CD - or if you simply want to donate to a specific project so that we can arrange the necessaries to grant a wish - every little bit helps.

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